Write For Us

Write for Us

Are you passionate about sports and have a flair for writing? Do you live and breathe the latest in sports news, analysis, and commentary? If so, 21sports.com invites you to join our community of contributors!

Why Write for 21sports.com?

21sports.com is your go-to platform for all things sports, and we’re looking for enthusiastic writers who share our love for the game. Whether you’re a seasoned sports journalist, a dedicated fan with a unique perspective, or an aspiring writer looking to make your mark, this is your opportunity to reach a wide audience of fellow sports enthusiasts.

What We’re Looking For

We’re interested in well-researched, insightful, and engaging content that covers a broad spectrum of sports topics, including but not limited to:

  • Game Analysis: Break down the latest games, highlight key moments, and offer expert insights.
  • Player Profiles: Dive deep into the careers of athletes, from rising stars to seasoned pros.
  • Opinion Pieces: Share your thoughts on hot topics, controversies, and trends in the sports world.
  • Sports News: Report on the latest happenings, transfers, injuries, and more.
  • Fantasy Sports Tips: Offer advice and strategies for fantasy leagues.
  • Historical Pieces: Take a look back at memorable moments and legendary figures in sports history.
  • Interviews: Provide exclusive interviews with players, coaches, and other sports personalities.

Contributor Guidelines

  • Originality: All submissions must be original content and not published elsewhere.
  • Word Count: Articles should typically be between 800 and 1,500 words.
  • Tone: We encourage a conversational, yet professional tone that resonates with our diverse audience.
  • Citations: When referencing stats, quotes, or other sources, please ensure proper citation.
  • Images/Videos: If you include media, ensure they are high-quality and properly credited.

How to Submit

Interested in contributing? Please send us the following:

  1. A brief introduction about yourself, including any relevant writing or sports experience.
  2. Two writing samples that best showcase your style and expertise.
  3. A pitch or outline for the article you wish to write.

Send your submission to info (at) 21Sports (dot) com with the subject line “21sports.com Contributor Submission.”

What’s in It for You?

By writing for 21sports.com, you’ll gain:

  • Exposure: Get your work published on a platform visited by thousands of sports fans daily.
  • Portfolio Building: Enhance your writing portfolio with published articles.
  • Networking: Connect with other sports writers, fans, and industry professionals.
  • Feedback: Receive editorial feedback to help improve your writing skills.

Join the Team!

At 21sports.com, we’re more than just a website; we’re a community of sports lovers. We look forward to hearing your unique voice and sharing your passion for sports with our readers!

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